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- Target Shaft/Pit
- See Reception/Exit Shaft/Pit
- Thrust
- Force applied to a pipeline or drill string to propel it through the ground.
- Thrust Jacking Method
- Method in which a pipe is jacked through the ground without mechanical excavation of material from the front of the pipeline.
- Thrust Pit
- Working shaft at the beginning of the jacked section of pipeline in which the specialist equipment is installed, and from which jacking operations are carried out.
- Thrust Ring
- A steel ring that is placed against the cross sectional area of the pipe to ensure that the jacking forces are spread around the circumference of the pipe.
- Thrust Wall
- A wall at the rear of the thrust pit designed to spread the reaction loads to the ground behind the thrust pit.
- Thrust/Pullback
- Measured in pounds or similar measurements of force; along with torque and pump capacity, one of three measurements typically used to describe and classify drill rigs and their suitability to successfully perform an installation.
- Torque
- Measured in Foot-pounds or similar measurements of rotational force; along with thrust/pullback and pump capacity, one of three measurements typically used to describe and classify drill rigs and their suitability to successfully perform an installation.
- Tracking
- System for locating and recording progression of a horizontial drilling installation by monitoring an electromanetic signal transmitted from a sonde mounted at the drill head to a receiver (locator) at the surface, or by wireline or wireless non-walkover systems.
- Trailing Interjack Pipe
- The recessed pipe immediately behind the interjack station which slides into the rear of the shield.
- Transmitter
- See Sonde
- Trenching
- See Open Cut.
- Trenchless Technology
- Underground construction methods of utility installation, rehabilitation, inspection, location and leak detection, with minimum excavation from the surface.
- Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
- A machine that excavates a tunnel by drilling out the face to full size in one operation. It may be controlled from within the shield or remotely.
- Tunneling
- A construction method of excavating an opening beneath the ground without continuous disturbance of the ground surface and of large enough diameter to allow individuals access and erection of a ground support system at the location of material excavation.